Once upon a time, the trend of hanging around with the family for at least one evening a week, playing games, was commonplace. But as we moved into a high-tech, fast-paced world, a lot of family members lost touch, always dashing around, in search of the next 'in' thing. As ...
The Healthy Benefits of Online GamesBy: R. L. FieldingThe universal appeal of online games is astounding. Research shows that one in four internet users visit online game websites, bringing the annual total to more than 217 million online game players worldwide. Online game communities are populated by people from both ...
Phil Laak was born in Dublin, Ireland but raised in Wellesley, Massachusetts. He pursued a degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Already an accomplished backgammon player, Phil Laak began playing competitive poker in 1999, but didn't really break onto the poker scene until 2003 where ...
What would be a great way to make marketing and advertising fun? Well, some people find that fun regardless, but what if you could make a game of it? This is the next development in social networks. Actually, it's more of an evolution of social networks as more than just ...
While online bingo is a new game, bingo has actually been around for centuries. Starting in Europe before WWII, this great game called bingo. This event for many people called bingo became just that a whole evening event that was entertaining and fun. While now bingo is taking another form ...
Arnold Snyder and Dan Harrington are both authors of some of the most popular NL holdem tournament books on the market today. They both definitely know their stuff as each has won not only in poker but in blackjack and backgammon as well. I wouldn't try a number crunching contest ...
The school summer holidays are fast approaching. Six long weeks of keeping the kids amused.Are you dreading those long drives to the coast etc? And the kids always shout "I'm bored" or "Are we there yet?" Well fear not, the solution is simple, why not stack up on travel games! ...
Traditional toys and games have been a part of society and culture all over the world for thousands of centuries, possibly since the beginning of time. As long ago as 6000 B.C., we know of the existence of games similar to modern day chess. Babylonians in 4000 B.C. also played ...
There's been much debate about the effect that video games and online games have in the development of our children and even in the socialization of adults. Reams have been written about the ways in which video games isolate youngsters and encourage a sedentary lifestyle. Some argue that, when adults ...
Everyone still wants to have an active mind when they are elderly and some parents even try to increase brain power in their children when they are still in the womb! Some child development experts believe that a fetus will grow into a more intelligent child if it hears Mozart ...
I come from a family of golfers. Golf is the favorite recreation of everyone in my family, including my grandparents, my mom and dad, myself and my four siblings. Every year, we have a family reunion of sorts featuring all my relatives from my father's side. At those gathering, the ...
Times have changed since we used to gather around the kitchen table for a game of cards. These days, weekly poker games or impromptu euchre parties are played online. The computer age has changed everything -- including the way we play.The terms "video games", "computer games" and "PC games" are ...
The history of chess isn't especially clear - there's hardly a country in the world that doesn't claim to have invented it, including China, Egypt, Greece, Uzbekistan and (most unbelievably) Ireland. Given the evidence, however, it seems most likely than the game of chess has its origins in 6th century ...
I remember playing my first arcade game in a bar in Montreal. It was 1981 I was underage, drunk, in a digital delirium, and the arcade game was the original Pacman. This was about the coolest thing I had ever seen. I'd always had a thing for games, even before ...
Howard Lederer was born in Concord, New Hampshire in 1965. His father was an English teacher and Howard was used to playing games on a regular basis with his academically-oriented family. When he was in his teens, he was an avid chess player and he moved to New York City ...
Every year, gamblers from all around the world flock to Vegas in order to compete in the World Series of Poker. At stake are millions of dollars and the coveted bracelets which are awarded to the champions of each event. Below, I've attempted to identify the ten men who may ...
I have played in many poker tournaments online and live and as a normal course of events for all players, often find myself in tough decision making, game critical situations. One of the best advances I have made in my game came from none other than Dan Harrington, author of ...
Chess is one of the world's great board games. For centuries chess players around the world have been mesmerized by its challenges, and its great masters have been revered as superstars of a different order -- superstars with brains.** Origins and background of chessLike many of our popular board games, ...
The development of personal computer games from simple multimedia exercises to the current trend that involves very sophisticated graphics, operating system and surround sound system have been very fast and impressive. The varieties of games that are being marketed online and in the regular outlets account for thousand of varieties. ...
If there is one game that puts the brain into an exercise, it has got to be Poker. Nothing jogs the gray matter better than a card game that requires deft skill and slick style. While some variations of the game relies more on luck and good fortune, poker remains ...